Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Sold Out But . . .!

I went into the M.A.C store to get the Viva Glam Nicki Minaj lipstick super excited that I was finally going to get that pretty color lipstick! I was greeted and asked if I needed help looking for something, I excitedly said,"Yes do you guys have Viva Glam Nicki Minaj lipstick!" They told me they just sold out I was soooo sad my heart dropped. I knooow its just a lipstick but still I was looking forward to it. As I looked for somehing else I saw their new collection ChenMan I saw the prettiest lipstick color ever Force of Love (the name is even cute!) similar to the Nicki Minaj one. I asked if they had any and OMG I got the last one I was super excited! When I was told that the Nicki Minaj lipstick was going to be in MAC stored for the rest of the year i felt a sigh of relief so I might as well get this pretty colored lipstick thats limited and get Nicki Minaj later.

The lipstick is so pretty and glides on oh so smoothly its super cute. The package is also cute I guess because I love asian themed stuff or asian stuff in general <3 I heard its even better than the Nicki Minaj one!

Thanks for Reading :)
& Have A Nice Day Beauties <3

****Pictures Are Not Mine*******